Admin Permissions > Manage Learners Area

Is there a way to grant an admin view-only access to the Learners > Manage Learners area? We'd like some of our support staff to be able to lookup learners, including their enrollment information/...

admin permissions

Manage Learners > Assignments

Can the ability to drill down into an assignment and view the status of individual requirements be added to this area? Similar to the way that subscriptions allow you to drill into the detail...


Adding Enrollment to a user account

Every once in a while there's a situation in which we would like to add an enrollment to a user account without them having to use a promo code. It would be very useful if we could create an...

enrollment dashboard subscription user account

Saving/Bookmarking Location on a Brightcove Video

I vaguely recall this coming up in conversation with LearnSomething before and wanted to see if anything came of it. Currently video activities will launch and start from the beginning of the...

brightcove video