
Saving/Bookmarking Location on a Brightcove Video

I vaguely recall this coming up in conversation with LearnSomething before and wanted to see if anything came of it. Currently video activities will launch and start from the beginning of the video, regardless of where the user may have left off in a previous session. This works fine for short videos, but can be a poor user experience for longer videos where users are more likely to be interrupted and come back later.

Is there any potential with Brightcove to store the location where a user left off in a video and relaunch to that point?

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  • Hi Matt, thank you for your feedback. We have investigated this in the past. Unfortunately, there some nuances in the technology where, depending on the device, the bookmarking may or may not work. At the time, we dismissed pursuing this enhancement due to that factor, but I will add this back to our Enhancement Meeting agenda so that we can revisit it. Again, thank you for your feedback. - Perry Gilbert
  • Thanks, Perry. Would it be possible for the team to share a high-level summary of the enhancement meetings on Insight? For example, which enhancements were discussed? Which are expected to move forward (not necessarily development timelines)? Which were dismissed entirely or held for future consideration? I think this will help the community better understand the ongoing roadmap for the product, plan accordingly, and perhaps generate additional community feedback and discussion. - Matt Kamen
  • @Matt, Thanks for the questions. I'll be following up on Insight shortly with a plan on how we will be communicating to our audience about enhancement requests. - Adam Spicer
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