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Diagnosing Content Package Issues

Added: 3/12/2015 3:59:18 PM
Provides specific steps that you and/or your content vendor/publisher can use to diagnose issues with a content package. "Initial Checks" section applies to all types of content packages (e.g., AICC HACP; SCORM 1.2; SCORM 2004; Web). If additional diagnosis is needed, also see the sections for specifically for AICC and SCORM content packages.

Sample Badges

Added: 2/4/2014 10:50:13 AM
Here are 5 sample badge templates that we created. These can be used by your organization as a starting point for adding badges to your portal. Included are: - Asked a question (for asking your first question), - Great question (for asking a question which gets up-voted some number of times) - Great answer (for answering a question which gets up-voted some number of times) - Famous file (for sharing a file that gets shared some number of times) - First Answer Accepted (for getting your first answer accepted)