
Report to Compare Pre- and Post-Test Scores for Individual Learners

Will any of the canned reports allow for a simple comparison of each individual learner's pre-test and post-test scores in a learning product? We're not looking for anything particularly detailed, just the ability to output in Excel each learner (including complete address, phone, email) with their pre- and post-test scores to analyze the efficacy of learning content.

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  • Hi Matt, I think this is possible by using the Enrollment Detail Report while including the Assessment Detail Report, but I think that the readability for the analysis you want to do would be a bit cumbersome. The data is there, but some of it is in separate sheets and you would have to adjust the sorting to get the pre- and post-tests side by side. I will include this on the Enhancement Meeting Agenda. If you could, in addition to the fields specified in your post, please provide a list of sample columns you would like to see included. Thanks! - Perry Gilbert
  • Thanks, Perry. I think the following columns would suffice -- First Name, Last Name, Alternate ID, Email Address, Address1, Address2, Address3, City, State, Zip Code, Country, Phone Number, Learning Product Title, Learning Product Status, Pre-test name/activity title, date submitted, score, Post-test name/activity title, date submitted, score. - Matt Kamen
  • Perry -- the address information (address 1, address 2, address 3, City, State, Zip, Country, and Phone) fields are not currently included on the Enrollment Detail Report. Can they be added in the interim? As you noted, it's cumbersome, but it's at least something we may be able to use for the time being without joining data from separate reports. Thanks! - Matt Kamen
  • Hi Matt, I will add this to our weekly discussion and see if this is something we can do in the interim. Thank you for the suggestion. - Perry Gilbert
  • Hi Matt, I need just a little more feedback on the subject. Potentially this would contain Assessment Summary and Learner Detail data per Assessment activity. So each line would be a single Assessment activity and would contain Summary data of all attempts made by an individual learner on that activity. A 1 to 1 comparison on a single line would not be feasible mainly due to the possibility of multiple attempts, but because you could select 1 or more assessment activities to report on, you would be able to compare Assessments line by line. Does this still potentially cover what you are looking for in this enhancement request? - Perry Gilbert
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  • Perry, can you mock up a sample of what you are proposing? I'm not sure we'd really be getting much more than what is already available in the Assessment Summary tab of the Enrollment Detail report. - Matt Kamen
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