
Report Field Naming

Hello- Small detail, but it would be helpful to know if this could be modified. I have noticed that when running a report we are given the option to name said report.

enter image description here

But when that report actually exports to Excel, we take the time to move through the process of renaming again. Do you think that possible to change? Is the naming convention only for LMS viewing? enter image description here

Once again, a small detail, but it would help efficiency if that naming field produced that Excel report.

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  • Thank you for putting this request, Kyle! This is something small but that will really make a difference! - Ana Leirner
  • Hi Kyle, I will add this to our internal enhancement request discussion. - Perry Gilbert
  • We are currently looking into doing this, thank you for posting! - Perry Gilbert
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2 Responses


Great idea! I would love to see this too. We are typically either running just one report (so naming isn't necessary because it's the only one), or a BUNCH - like 20-30 reports at a time. I want to just download all but wind up have to be very careful with how I do it.

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Responded: 5/22/2015 8:09:25 AM
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This has been implemented. The optional report name, if filled in, will now be the name of the file. Again, thank you all for your feedback!

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Responded: 7/30/2015 1:43:39 PM
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