Automatic Email Notifications
Is there any plan to allow the creation of custom email templates that can be automatically triggered by events within a learning product? For instance, once a user completes an activity they can get an email notification that informs them of the next required step; or they can get an email a week prior to an enrollment expiring? This would be very helpful for many of our clients since they are external and many visit the LMS infrequently.
Perry Gilbert-
4 Responses
"Once a user completes an activity they can get an email notification that informs them of the next required step." -- An email would be confusing in this case. The learner just completed the activity so he's actively viewing the learning product's enrollment details; the next step would be the next activity that's visible on-screen. (Also, if emails were sent at the end of each activity, the learner could complete multiple activities online, then check email sometime later and be confused because it would be notifying him of "next steps" that he'd already completed.)
"get an email a week prior to an enrollment expiring" -- Good news; this notification already exists! If an enrollment has an expiration date, then the learner will get a notification 10 days prior to that expiration date if he hasn't yet completed the enrollment. This works like other notifications: it will cause the notification icon to appear in the "meta nav" area. If the learner doesn't view the notification, it will get emailed as part of the standard notification digest (assuming he hasn't turned off notifications).
Regarding the completion of an activity and then getting an email - it would be helpful to be able to set a "reminder" that goes out if the user has been inactive for a certain amount of time to remind them to return and complete the product. It would be optional and not sent out immediately.
Regarding the email notifications - I have never received an email of the "standard notification digest," nor do I see any options in my account to turn on or off these notifications. Is there a setting we need to change on the site to enable these? The email notification would be much more helpful than the notification that appears within the LMS, since many of our users would not log in and see that notification.
I'd like to add there are some notifications for the Sign-Off and Drop-Box activities, since the section admin might approve/reject the learner's submission while the learner is offline, the learner would receive notifications as part of this.
Your organization does not have email notification digests turned on. So the learner would only see notifications under the Red/Black Bell while logged in. If you would like to have these turned on then email requesting they turn on email notification digests for your organization.
You can find an overview of which notifications learners would be receiving here:
Thanks, Aaron. That's helpful. We'll look into that.