A Few Requests in Regards to Thumbnails
Thank you for the last Sprint - there were some very useful items that rolled out. I especially like the thumbnail for the Credit Profile. This will be good for our home studies. However, we do have a few very popular learning products that have several activities within the Learning product, as well as, a credit profile AND a certificate OR letter of completion. My requests are:
1) Would there be a possibility to have the option to choose which activity received thumbnails within a product? Currently it is "all or nothing". 2) Could the thumbnails be made smaller? Currently, without the thumbnails, the activity links are so small, that we have to add in the description "Click here.....". However, some products which have several activities, the thumbnails make the learning product look "unsurmountable". (Example - There could be two videos, an assessment, an evaluation, and reinforcement exercises - that alone is 5 thumbnails/activities.) 3) Several of our most popular learning products have a continuing education credit profile AND a Certificate or Letter of Completion. However, the thumbnail for all the credit profiles is a Trophy. Could there be a thumbnail that has something to do with "CE"? I like the idea of the thumbnail for the credit profile, as many times people skip over the credit button and claim their certificate, only to later regret they never claimed their credit. However, with two Trophies, I am not sure that it will lessen the confusion.
Thank you for your consideration, Misty Knack, American Pharmacists Association