
WYSIWYG Editors -- Evaluation Header Message and Lesson Descriptions

Are there any plans to add a WYSIWYG editor for evaluation header messages? Similar to assessment header messages.

Same question for the lesson description area -- we'd like to use this area for sub-branding products with imagery and potentially for more robust course instructions/text that does not really fit as a separate HTML activity launched in a modal.

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3 Responses


We can add HTML support for evaluation headers. We'll see when it can be worked in. Are you interested in also embedding assets like images/icons in the HTML?

For Lesson Descriptions we don't plan to add support for HTML. The very small spaces this gets put into along with supporting adaptive mobile/tablet screen sizes, requires us to be able to fully control the HTML/styling it is embedded in.

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Responded: 1/30/2015 4:57:04 PM
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Thanks for the feedback, Aaron. Yes, we'd like to embed images as well -- typically it would be a sub-branded logo specifically tied to a product.

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Responded: 2/2/2015 12:16:17 PM
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Hi Matt, unfortunately this is not something we can do at this time or in the near term.

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Responded: 5/26/2015 12:58:27 PM
  • Perry - can you expand on the change in position? Previous response from Aaron indicated adding HTML support for evaluation headers was reasonable. How does this request differ from the HTML support that already exists for assessments (question pool headers within the assessment builder) and video activity headers/footers? - Matt Kamen
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