WYSIWYG Editors -- Evaluation Header Message and Lesson Descriptions
Are there any plans to add a WYSIWYG editor for evaluation header messages? Similar to assessment header messages.
Same question for the lesson description area -- we'd like to use this area for sub-branding products with imagery and potentially for more robust course instructions/text that does not really fit as a separate HTML activity launched in a modal.
3 Responses
We can add HTML support for evaluation headers. We'll see when it can be worked in. Are you interested in also embedding assets like images/icons in the HTML?
For Lesson Descriptions we don't plan to add support for HTML. The very small spaces this gets put into along with supporting adaptive mobile/tablet screen sizes, requires us to be able to fully control the HTML/styling it is embedded in.
Thanks for the feedback, Aaron. Yes, we'd like to embed images as well -- typically it would be a sub-branded logo specifically tied to a product.
Hi Matt, unfortunately this is not something we can do at this time or in the near term.