Tin Can API Integration
Nearly a year ago we had a discussion about the LMS being able to integrate with Tin Can API in the future. What is the status of that development?
Matt Kamen-
3 Responses
Tin Can does come up in discussions occasionally, and we definitely have an interest in implementing it, but it hasn't become a high priority.
I want to add, we've had a pretty good track record when it comes to interoperability with other standards. SCORM content packages, LTI, AICC content packages, and now with just this last sprint release, not only do we support AICC content packages, but now we support the reverse end of the AICC spectrum which is allowing Learner Community Learning Products to be exposed to other systems to consume.
While many of these standards overlap and one can often serve as a substitute of another, we recognize some are better for certain use cases, and many of the legacy standards have limitations. So I'm certain we will continue this track record and continue to look at implementing these emerging standards as resources allow and demand dictates.
I'd encourage everyone to contribute to the discussion and explain what the driving factors in their particular use case is, where Tin Can is preferable over another standard.
If you have any feedback please chime in at:
We have added Tin Can and LRS integration in Sprint 75! Click here to view the discussion on this sprint.