
Separate pages of HTML Content in one activity?

I'd like to be able to create a list of activities that looked something like this:


-Storyline Interaction


-Storyline Interaction


It seems like the best way to include the reading in an activity would be an HTML content activity. However, these are not really set up for multiple pages of text. Would it be possible to create HTML content with multiple pages, rather than one long scrolling window?

The other options seem to be: 1) Including the readings as PDF resources (meaning they'll all be grouped at the top, rather listed in order in the activities) 2) Including the text in the Storyline file (which means the Storyline file will be much larger; we'd like to limit the amount of content developed in Storyline to things that are interactive)

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  • 1 Some type of page-break option would be great with next/previous buttons. Long, scrolling pages can be less than ideal for mobile users as well. - Matt Kamen
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2 Responses


David, I have some ideas for this, but I haven't had time to try them out in Learner Community. In the meantime, would something like this work?

Click to view demo learning product

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Responded: 6/20/2014 3:10:00 PM
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I'm not entirely sure I got the idea (it took me to a "Badging: Emerging Microcredentialing Standard" course) since all the image files were broken. However, the navigation with different pages was similar to what I had in mind. Would it be possible to have it "flip" through pages, yet be more (or all) text? It looked like these were images with text captions, which would still be very limiting. Another consideration would be how to package it (so it could be imported/exported for external editing if necessary).

Finally, would it be possible to make PDFs learning activities instead of resources so that they could be listed in order ("Read this before continuing to the next activity") instead of bunched at the top?

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Responded: 7/7/2014 3:46:44 PM
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