
Credit Categories

Is there a way at the organizational level to suppress this screen and default all users to off for Highlight My Credit Categories? In testing our users have found this screen very confusing. At this point we'd prefer to just display all credit options for a product and avoid this screen altogether.

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  • Matt, currently there isn't a way to suppress this screen. It only shows up if you are viewing a product that has a credit profile, and you haven't previously made a selection on this screen. Do you need a credit profile on this product? - Adam Spicer
  • Yes, there will be a credit profile. In playing around on our staging site, I noticed that if I (as a new end-user) register on the site and then change the "Highlight My Credit Categories" setting in my profile to OFF before enrolling in the course, I am not presented with this screen. What about an option to just default all our users to OFF? Similar to the way we are able to default all users to prefer the in-template vs. full screen enrollment views? - Matt Kamen
  • Matt - that sounds like it might be a good idea. The other option we were toying with was simply making it entirely an organization optional feature so we could just disable the entire feature for a portal. I'll ask our team to put this on the monthly enhancement review list for sprint consideration. If this is something more urgent, please email me. - Adam Spicer
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