
Please show product expiration dates within subscriptions!

We offer our clients special packages of products that they distribute to employees using enrollment codes. The enrollment codes have subscriptions attached. Depending on what orders they place each year, we drop or add products to the subscription. In order to prevent them from having to reissue new enrollment codes, we use the same enrollment code and have it expire in 2079 to bypass the enrollment code expiration date. However, the products within the subscription SHOULD expire. Unfortunately, the expiration dates of products within the subscription product does not appear to the user. I believe in the past we had raised this issue and were told to place the expiration date as a static entry in the description of the product. This does not work when the expiration is set for 365 days from the time of enrollment. The way the products display now, it appears that the expiration date is for 2079 (the subscription expiration date) when in actuality the expiration date is in 2016 (see screenshot). This is confusing for learners and puts us at risk of promising something we are not actually offering. Can the expiration date for each product please be displayed within the subscriptions? Also, when a product does expire, can the wording be changed from "This product is not active" to "This product has expired"? Even our internal staff get confused by the wording "inactive" since it doesn't explain why the product is inactive.

Subscription expiration date screenshot

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  • Hi David, I will add this to our internal Enhancement Request discussion. - Perry Gilbert
  • Hi David, could you please re-add the image to this post? Thanks! - Perry Gilbert
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4 Responses


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Responded: 6/23/2015 9:11:18 AM
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Hi David,

Regarding Enrollment Thru Dates:

-Corrected, please see post below-

Regarding your other question:

...when a product does expire, can the wording be changed from "This product is not active" to "This product has expired"?

I am not sure where you are seeing: "The product is not active". There is a conditional line of text that says: "The enrollment is not active". Is this the line you are referring to? We would consider changing this to "The enrollment has expired", to alleviate the confusion.

Thank you for your feedback and suggestions!

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Responded: 7/14/2015 7:39:31 AM
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Hi David,

Apologies, I stand corrected. The Enrollment Thru Date is set according the date that first occurs (Please see image for example data set). The following data shows that the Enrollment Thru date takes on the first occurring Thru date:

Please note, the Enrollment Thru Date is in UTC, and the other dates are in Local Time.

enter image description here

Thank you for your feedback and suggestions!

Again, I sincerely apologize for misinformation. Also, I will be proposing the suggested changes to the team at the next Enhancement Meeting, which will occur next month. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

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Responded: 7/22/2015 1:25:35 PM
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Re: the wording, you are correct that it should be "This enrollment..." not "This product..."

The spreadsheet above is helpful; however, it appears that sometimes the EnrollmentThruDateUTC is a day in the future of the earliest date listed for the CertThruDate or the ProductThruDate. I assume that is because it is UTC and the others are local time. Does the expiration happen at midnight of local time, not UTC?

Thanks for looking into this.

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Responded: 7/23/2015 10:01:24 AM
  • The off-by-a-day is only because of the time difference of Local and UTC, correct. The expiration occurs at 11:59:59 pm Local Date Time. - Perry Gilbert
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