
Testing Assignments on the Staging Site

What are the known limitations of testing assignments on the staging site? I see the warning below in the admin area, but can you expand on any limitations? I added a user to a manual assignment and completed the single task, but the assignment is not flagged as completed either on the user's enrollments page or in back-end reporting. Thanks.

"Heads Up: This assignment is being edited on the staging system and should be used only for testing purposes."

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2 Responses


Assignments on Staging and Live should behave identically (no limitations or exclusions).

When viewing the Assignment page:

  • Is it showing you must complete only 1 learning product? If you assigned 2 learning products (for example) then the assignment itself will not be complete until both learning products are completed.
  • Is the learning product you completed showing as "complete"? If it's showing "incomplete" then launch that course--does it say the learning product is "Complete" or "Incomplete"?

If those comments don't trigger an "aha!" moment, then we'll need to investigate the specifics. Please email with the URL to this Q&A and the relevant details (username, assignment title)...we'll research, then report our findings here.

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Responded: 3/5/2014 10:42:53 AM
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As Dave says, assignments is fully functional on staging. So we dug in and found the issue... the UI currently lets you specify a completion lookback date that is later than the active from and due date. The assignment you were testing had completion lookback date of 1/1/2015 set, so when it tries to check if it was complete, it is using that date as the minimum date of completion. We adjusted it to 1/1/2014 and now the assignment is showing as complete!

We will adjust these screens to prevent this scenario from occurring again.

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Responded: 3/17/2014 3:41:04 PM
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