
Sort/Display Order for Manual Assignments

How does the sort/display order work for manual assignments? We expected it would be alphabetical by product title, but that doesn't seem to be the case. For one of our assignments, we have a prerequisite relationship between products and would like the product that needs to be completed first to be displayed first. Is this possible?

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2 Responses


@Matt - did you find an answer to this? I would be interested in this as well!

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Responded: 8/28/2014 3:56:01 PM
  • @Colette - No, I have not heard back yet. But I suspect it is just sorting by the internal Personify product ID, which I believe is somewhat random (e.g., e5da87c6c77c488c89cfca13d5d02f59). Not ideal if you have a prerequisite relationship between products, but as a stopgap we've added a sequential number to each product and just included in our communications to be sure and complete #1 before #2, and so on. - Matt Kamen
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We have changed the Sort/Display order for manuals assignment to be in alphabetical order by title. This change will appear in the next sprint.

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Responded: 9/24/2014 11:08:18 AM
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