
Duplicate an Assessment

Is there a way to duplicate an assessment? We have several assessments that only a selection of question change from year to year while the remainder stay the same. While building out the 2014 assessment it would be great if we could pull questions from the existing 2013 version while still persevering the 2013 assessment.

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1 Response


I think we have a solution coming up soon that may help solve your problem. I don't think you really want to duplicate your assessment, you just want to control which questions are included in your assessments. Currently sub-assessments are one way you could do this, however in its current capacity you have to choose which questions you want instead of allowing any pooling or randomization. We are extending sub-assessments so that they can support the pooling and/or randomization. So in your case you'd setup a sub-assessment for 2013 and pick which questions are eligible to be included. Then when 2014 came around you'd setup another sub-assessment again picking which questions are eligible. They key is that you aren't redefining questions, just picking which ones are eligible from the predefined questions.

As for the inevitable when, we do not yet have a time frame set. Can you add a comment to this response giving us some insight on when you'd like to be able to use this feature?

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Responded: 4/10/2014 4:36:35 PM
  • We are expecting updated content with in a few weeks, so the end of May/start of June we will be building the 2014 assessments. - Roya Zarrinnahad
  • Thanks Roya for the information... we will take that into consideration. - Adam Spicer
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