Sprint 63 was released on Tuesday, 9/2/14, and included the following enhancements and new features:
Customize Learning Activities by Section: The discussion, content html, drop box and webinar learning activities now support customizations at an individual section on Live. This allows an organization to tailor certain learning activities by audience and section. Each of the four learning activities listed above now have a new option, Customizable by Section with three possible choices:
- No - The activity can't be customized within a section
- Yes - The activity can be customized within a section. A section administrator on Live will be able to apply customizations to the learning activity. This allows for each section to have content tailored for their audience.
- Yes - The activity must be customized wtihin a section. In addition to the customization notes above, when an activity is marked as must be customized, a learner will not be able to launch the activity until a section administrator has customized the content.
When customizations are allowed, a section administrator will make them in the live environment in the Manage Section admin area.
Customizing the Default section will make the customization visible to all sections and it will satisfy the yes, must by customized rule, even for non-default sections. Customizations made on non-default sections will be visible only within those individual sections.
ClearVantange Integration: [PLUS Client-Specific] A new AMS integration.
Extend Enrollments: Administrators can now extend Learner's enrollments from the Admin > Manage Learner area to a specific date. Extending a Subscription or Certification enrollment will also extend all associated enrollments.
Webinar Activity: A new learning activity is being developed to support a tight integration with WebEx (you can use your own WebEx account). The admin experience has been developed, but we are still working through the Learner experience, so we've hidden the features for now to avoid any confusion. The new learning activity will be made available in the next sprint, Sprint 64.
Enrollment Code Status Report: A new report has been created for enrollment codes. When an admin chooses one or more enrollment codes, the resulting excel report will have an Information tab and a Redemption tab. The information tab will list properties about the enrollment code and the redemption tab will list who redeemed the enrollment code along with the associated enrollments and statuses.
- Lock Learner Timezones: An organization can now be configured with a fixed timezone.
- Search by Email Address: When searching for a Learner, you can now search by email address.
- Revoke Pending Enrollments: In the Admin > Manage Learner > Enrollments area, you can now revoke and Pending Enrollments.
- Admin Types and Permissions: The admin type of a learner now controls which permissions can be assigned to the learner. Please go to the help page to view a table that describes the permissions for both staging and live.
Please feel free to leave comments or questions about this sprint!