We get a lot of requests from our clients about enhancement requests. While we can't say yes to them all, we do carefully consider them and give them the due-diligence they deserve. We have recently moved from a monthly review meeting to a weekly review meeting - mainly so we wouldn't have to spend nearly half a day in a meeting :) The purpose of the meeting is to review any new requests and to also revisit any that have been flagged as such. As we review, we flag things that we definitely want to be included in an upcoming sprint, and each sprint we try to include at least 1 enhancement request (but that doesn't always happen based on other features that are being included).

Looking Ahead

We are agile with our development process, and we want to be agile in the way we handle enhancement requests. The following describes some new processes that we are going to start employing in order to continue to provide our clients with influence in the platform.


After we've had time to review the request, we will notify you of whether it has been categorized as major or minor.

Minor Requests
Each sprint already includes numerous of what we'd call minor requests, however most of them are not publicly announced. Moving forward we will announce all minor enhancements made through our sprint release notes.

Major Requests
Major requests are, well, major, and require much more time and effort. From time to time we have been able to squeeze one of these into a sprint, but not as often as we'd like. That's why we'd like to take the time to announce that starting now we will be officially supporting at least 1 major enhancement request per Sprint.

Rather than us choosing the feature, we will be conducting a week long poll for each sprint which will allow you to choose which major request gets included. Here is how it will go down...

  • We will use our enhancement review meetings to choose major enhancement requests that should be added as options in the poll
  • We will post a summary here on Insight for discussion, and include a link to the poll
  • After the poll is closed, the item with the most votes will be included in the next sprint
    • We will notify the community through Insight about the other items in the poll. Some may remain on our internal list for future polling while others may be removed (at our discretion).

We've often debated about putting these list out in the public, like on UserVoice, but for the time being we want to continue handling them internally. We are looking forward to having these discussions with you and giving you Insight and influence over the enhancements made to the platform.

Check back September 21st for our first poll announcement!

We want to try out the polling feature for a few sprints and see how it goes. Please join us!
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  • Matt Kamen

    Adam -- is there a list available of the MINOR enhancements that have been included in recent sprints, but not announced in the release notes?

  • Adam Spicer

    Matt - I apologize that I missed your comment. I do not have a comprehensive list, but for those that were formally submitted as enhancement requests, you should have been notified once action has been taken on our side. What we WEREN'T necessarily doing was notifying the community of the enhancement, so we just wanted to better communicate out to everyone on minor and major enhancement requests.

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