Sprint 97 was released on Monday, 3/12/18 and included the following enhancements and new features:


  • Assignments Widget: Assignments have been pulled out of the Enrollments Widget into a stand-alone Assignments Widget. As part of the sprint release, the widget will be added to any Enrollments Widget pages on sites that currently use assignments, and will only be visible to learners that have assignments. Any new pages added after the sprint release that need to show assignments will need to have the new widget added.
  • Learner Detail Badges Tab: A new tab has been added to the Learner Detail page that displays all of the badges earned. The Badges tab displays the badges just like the Public Profile page.
  • Webinar Providers: We have added ON24 as a provider for webinar learning activities. ON24 can be selected from the drop-down menu when adding a new Webinar Provider.


  • Copy Assessments: You can now create an exact copy of an existing assessment. The copy will include the assessment objective and pool structure and admin rights. The new assessment will pull in the same questions as the original assessment and reference the same sub-assessments. Note that if you edit a question in the new assessment, it will be edited in the original assessment unless you create a new version of the question.

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  • Matt Kamen

    There seems to be renewed focus on webinar providers in recent sprints. Is there a list of other providers currently on the road map? In particular, we are interested in an integration with BlueJeans.

  • Sara Charles

    Hi Matt! We reached out to BlueJeans to get more information. When we hear back from them we will investigate BlueJeans as a potential option and keep you posted. Thanks!

  • Matt Kamen

    Sara -- was any progress made toward investigating BlueJeans as an additional webinar provider? Thanks!

  • Sara Charles

    Hi Matt! We did find that it is a potential candidate for webinar integration and is doable from a technical standpoint, but there has not been any movement to add the integration to the platform at this time. It is on our enhancement list for discussion and I have bumped it up to review again.

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