Sprint 99 was released on Monday, 5/7/18, and included the following new features:
- Site Logo: A new Site Logo admin page has been added under the Site section of the Admin Dashboard to let you upload a new logo to your site template. After updating the logo, you will need to refresh the page to see it (CTRL F5) and republish your site to make it live.
- Bulk Publishing and Validation: We have revamped the process for publishing and validating Learning Products. You can now select multiple learning products at one time and track their validation/publishing progress on the new Validation/Publishing Status page.You can publish one or more Learning Products by clicking on the checkbox next to the title(s), and then clicking on the Publish button in the top left. Afterwards, go to the new Validation/Publishing Status page and you can track the status until the validation or publishing is complete. We are currently updating the help pages for more instructions on the new publishing process.
Please feel free to leave questions or comments about this sprint!