Sprint 67 was released on Thursday, 11/20/14, and included the following enhancements and new features:
- Assessment Item Analysis: A new interactive analysis report has been added to help administrators review the quality of their assessment questions. Each question is plotted on a graph showing the point-biserial (how well the question discriminates between learners who do and do not know the subject matter) and the p-value (question difficulty).
- Assessment Detail Report: Certification products are now included in the assessment detail report which will allow an administrator to report on any assessments embedded directly within a certification product.
- OIG/GSA: OIG/GSA can now be enabled explicitly for individual groups instead of globally for an organization.
- Admin Search: We've improved the exising search features to make it easier to find an admin of a specific set of groups.
- Credit Categories: When a new learner enteres an enrollment, they are prompted to choose credit categories if the organization has any products with credit profile and the user hasn't chosen any before. We've improved the feature to now only prompt if the user hasn't chosen any before and the enrollment they are viewing has a credit profile.
- Adding a Credit Type: When adding a new credit type, some additional inline help and validation has been added to ensure that each Activity Code Format includes the {0} placeholder.
- Deleted Assignments: Assignments that have been deleted are now hidden by default in the Asisgnment Detail Report.
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